Laurieston Arches
Collaboration, Page\Park Architects 2020-23
The Gorbals Through Laurieston (G). Etching
Glasgow based architects Page\Park’s Laurieston Arches project provides a new connection between the communities of Laurieston and Hutchesontown, divided by the railway viaduct running through the Gorbals area of the city. I’ve been working with them as artist collaborator on the development of a new walkway through the arches.
In 2020 I began a remote residency with their team, funded by Creative Scotland. I joined zoom meetings to discuss the early stages of the project and through these conversations, physical observations of the site, and sketchbook drawing, we developed a visual dialogue. Focused on the shape of the arches and their offset positioning, repeated motifs and rhythms and the flows of geometry, ideas were exchanged and developed between us, in dialogue through drawing.
Some sketchbook pages
The walkway through the arches, in construction